Have you been thinking about hiking with your dog? If the answer is yes, then what you want to do next is find some dog-friendly trails in Syracuse, NY, and start your outdoor adventure. This is really a good idea, as it can benefit both you and your pet. Read some more about it here.
It is the perfect way for you to bond with your pup, while also allowing it the freedom it needs, and providing it with the necessary level of physical activity. There is absolutely no doubt that your canine will love being outdoors, as most breeds do. So, if you’re an active person yourself, this is the perfect way to spend time with your pet.
The thing is, though, you will need to follow certain guidelines so as to ensure the best, and the safest, experience both for you and for the animal. There are some things that you can do on dog-friendly trails, and then there are some things that you absolutely shouldn’t do. What we are going to do right now, thus, is talk about the dos and don’ts of visiting those trails in Syracuse, hoping to get you prepared for the adventure.
Do Find and Compare More Trails
There are, without a doubt, a lot of dog-friendly trails in Syracuse that you can visit. But, you shouldn’t jump right towards visiting one or another, before finding more of them and comparing them in details. In the simplest words possible, you want to learn exactly what to expect from different trails, so that you can ultimately decide which one could be best for you. So, take your time to do the necessary research.
Do Check Their Difficulty Levels
One more thing you should always do is check the difficulty levels of the trails you’re researching. This is important both for you and for your pet. After all, you want to be able to complete the hike, instead of giving up half-way through. And, if this is your first time doing this, you should opt for those trails that aren’t too challenging, and that are, thus, suitable for beginners.
Read about the dos and don’ts of outdoor adventures with dogs in general: https://eu.statesmanjournal.com/story/travel/outdoors/2014/07/24/dos-donts-k-adventures/13067473/
Do Keep Your Dog on a Leash
Moving on, you should always keep your dog on a leash. Not only because this may be the rule, but also because it will keep the pet safe. It will prevent encounters with wildlife, as well as with other canines and their owners. And, on top of that, it will prevent your pup from getting lost on an unfamiliar terrain. Make the leash long enough to allow for some freedom, but to still be in control.
Do Pack the Essentials
To be comfortable on your hike, you’ll need to pack all the necessary things before setting off. So, grab your backpack and keep both yourself and your pup in mind when packing. Take fresh water and a water bowl, some snacks and treats, as well as a first aid kit. And, of course, waste bags.
Do Check the Weather in Advance
You don’t want you and your pet to be unpleasantly surprised with the weather when you start hiking, do you? Well, to avoid that, you should remember to check the weather in advance. Checking the forecast will allow you to properly prepare for the adventure, since you would need to pack differently for, say, hot weather versus rainy weather.
Don’t Ignore the Rules
Let us now discuss some of the don’ts of this adventure. First and foremost, don’t forget to check the rules regarding animals on the trails, and don’t ignore them. Every trail will have its own, specific, rules, and if you ignore them, you could open yourself up to some fines, or get your access restricted. So, always check the rules before setting off.
Don’t Overestimate Your Pet’s Abilities
A lot of canine owners assume that their pets are automatically physically fit, just because they are dogs, and that they can, thus, conquer and trail. This, however, is simply not true. So, consider your pup’s breed, age, general health, as well as previous physical activity. This way, you will ultimately choose a trail that won’t be too strenuous on your pet. Furthermore, you should watch for signs of fatigue, and know when to return so as to avoid exhaustion or injuries.
Don’t Take an Untrained Dog
Perhaps the most important thing you should remember is that you should never take an untrained dog on a hike with you. After all, its disobedience can put both of you in great danger. So, since you don’t want that to happen, I suggest you find a great trainer in Syracuse and thus properly train your pet before going on any of these trails. Learn all about it here and understand what kinds of training programs your pet may need. And then, choose the right trainer and let them ensure that your pet will behave on the trail.
Don’t Leave Your Dog Unsupervised
Another thing you should never do is leave your dog unsupervised on the trail. You may be tempted to unleash it and let it roam around freely for a while, without you having to worry. But, not supervising it can be quite dangerous, as it can lead to encounters with wildlife, as well as to the pet getting lost. Furthermore, your pup could wind up eating some toxic substances if it isn’t closely supervised, so always keep an eye on it.
Don’t Leave Waste Behind
This one should go without saying, but let me emphasize it anyway. Don’t ever leave dog waste behind on the trails. This would be quite irresponsible, and it could harm the local ecosystem, as well as quickly turn the trail into a harmful one. So, bring those waste bags with you and always pick up after your pet, as that is the responsible thing to do, as well as the best thing for the environment, as well as for other hikers.